Department Policy

The aim of the Design Technology Department at Littlehampton Community School is to offer equal opportunities to all students. We achieve this by offering a broad balanced curriculum, which allows students of both sexes to achieve their maximum potential. Programmes of study are translated into differentiated schemes of work to match the ability, attitude and developmental level of individual pupils.

We strive to stimulate a lasting interest in learning through problem solving and technological activities. We attempt to help students to develop their imaginations, sensitivity and creative responses to a wide range of aesthetic experiences.

Technology has an important part to play in helping all students to acquire the knowledge and skills that will be needed for them to take an active role in future developments.

The study of Technology fosters a wide range of desirable qualities, which we value. Pupils need to cooperate with one another and have a responsible attitude for health and safety. Students should develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills, both on their own and in groups.

As a department we promote high standards of academic achievements through designing, making and evaluating results. We work together as an enthusiastic team and promote an environment where all students develop personal responsibility and self-motivation but consider the needs and achievements of others.
